2013-01-21 20:51:15 UTC
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六 答案:
2013-01-21 21:32:12 UTC
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According to Chestnuts for Sale:

Chestnut storage is not the same as most nuts. Fresh chestnuts should be stored like carrots. Chestnuts are comprised of about 40-50% water and thus if not stored properly, they will spoil. Therefore, chestnuts should be stored with great care and attention. The ideal storage conditions for chestnuts are 33-35 degrees Fahrenheit and 85-90% humidity. We recommend storing chestnuts in covered containers in the coldest part of the refrigerator. Stored properly in the refrigerator, chestnuts can have a shelf life of approximately 2-3 weeks. If you plan to use the chestnuts soon after receiving them, simply place them in a covered container in the coldest part of the refrigerator. The colder, the better.

Otherwise, they recommend freezing them (preferably par-cooked), and provide information at the link above.

Washington Chestnut offers the following information about storing chestnuts, to prevent molding to which they indicate the chestnuts are susceptible due to their high water content:

  1. Do not let fresch chestnuts freeze and thaw (except if you are freezing for a purpose)
  2. Never store chestnuts in a sealed plastic bag (except dried or frozen)
  3. Keep chestnuts refrigerated unless drying or sweetening the chestnuts
  4. If black molds have entered into the chestnut kernel, do not eat the chestnut
  5. Chestnuts can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 weeks
  6. Cooked chestnuts must also be refrigerated if not consumed right away
  7. Never bathe the chestnuts in plain water - this causes mold spores to be transferred to all the chestnuts passing though the bath water - instead, wash in clean running tap water
  8. Try to purchase fresh chestnuts close to the time you want to eat them
Lee Williams
2013-11-26 21:33:14 UTC
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Kate Gregory
2013-01-21 21:30:19 UTC
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Chestnuts spoil in two ways: they go moldy and they dry out and become pretty much impossible to eat when roasted. It's possible that when they are hard and dried out, they could be ground into flour or something; I've never tried that.

Being light is a really good indication that they've dried out. Some chestnuts are moldy when I buy them, and I am pretty sure the ones I bought before Xmas that are still on my counter are either moldy or hard right now. The good news is you can't miss the mold when you take the shells off the cooked chestnuts and you often spot it when you cut the X before you cook them. Don't eat moldy ones. The hardness won't hurt you, so give them a quick bake and see if you actually have any nice ones still (you probably don't.) But don't save them for Valentines!

2013-01-21 21:31:24 UTC
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Kev Owen
2016-01-18 02:11:32 UTC
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Larry Schmidt
2015-04-10 05:06:33 UTC
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