Jeff Axelrod
2013-01-27 08:44:23 UTC
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There is a small, round, black "organ" under chicken thighs, and some people like to eat it. Identifying this seems to be quite the lingering Internet mystery.

They are there on prepared fried chicken--specifically Popeye's, but I'm sure it's there on any prepared bone-in chicken thigh. I've read various claims that it's the "oyster", liver, kidney, or a blood vessel. By "under" the thigh, I mean that it's found on the bony side opposite the meat.

See these pages: 1, 2, 3. There are tons more if you search.

Photos follow: Chicken thigh with gizzard thing exposed, then removed, then cross section.

Chicken thigh with gizzard thing exposedChicken thigh with gizzard thing removedGizzard thing cross section after slicing

@SAJ14SAJ我可以確認,我也發現這些器官在從Trader Joe's購買的整隻有機雞肉周圍撿起。
九 答案:
2013-02-02 06:11:01 UTC
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As discussed in the comments under the question, I believe the organ in question is a kidney, from the pocket in the pelvis of a thigh butchered in a fairly unusual manner, with that part of the pelvis still attached.

See page 3.21 in the University of Kentucky's PDF of Chapter 3 of Chicken Anatomy and Physiology. It shows where the kidney's are in the chicken (moderately graphic), and the shape looks quite similar to the mystery item in the original question's photographs, allowing for shrinkage from cooking.

2013-01-27 16:38:52 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

There are no organs on the underside of a chicken, the oyster is simply a bite-size piece of muscle which is tender and usually the tastiest piece of the whole bird. Two of links are about the oyster, which isn't gizzard-like at all. The first link is asking what the livery tasting stuff that sometimes comes attached to chicken thighs is, which is in fact liver left by poorly executed preparation by the packaging company.

我添加了照片以進行澄清。將部分吃的大力水手的雞肉作為參考。我不知道這怎麼可能是執行不力的準備工作。我很確定在所有雞大腿中都有這種“ g”。
2014-07-15 01:25:53 UTC
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2014-10-01 02:33:36 UTC
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2014-01-17 22:53:15 UTC
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Hoppin Hard
2015-02-19 14:12:38 UTC
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2015-08-22 06:52:07 UTC
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Chef Flambe
2013-02-02 05:54:23 UTC
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From the looks of the photos what you're seeing is part of the "oyster". It can sometimes be darker in colour. It's the muscle found near the base of the back where the thigh meets the body.

The texture is slightly different than other parts of the bird. When cooking a whole bird you pop that bit of meat it's concave bone area and it resembles an oyster in shape.

I provided a link to a webpage that has some nice pics of a bird being cut up. You'll see about 3/4 down tha page they have the body split down the breast bone showing the inside along the back bone without legs attached. Notice no organs attached anywhere. I've NEVER seen any organs still attached inside the body of a comercially cleaned chicken and I've seen more than a truck load of birds in my 15+ years of cooking professionally.

Pics of cleaned chicken

Here's another good pic for you. It's the concave bone of the pelvis that holds the oyster. When they cut the bird up for fried chicken they cut the bird in two, down the spine then make three cuts per side and seperate the dumb stick. One half way up the pelvis, the next one splits the upper body into a wing section and a breat section. This way you'll end up with 4 fairly equal sized pieces that should cook at about the same time.

Chicken skeleton

Donna Pace
2013-06-18 04:50:26 UTC
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我不確定雞肉骨盆內部的器官是什麼,但是它使我想起了牛肉中所謂的“甜麵包”。它們有一個共同點,它們的味道都像那隻動物的肝臟,但味道更淡,更細膩。我還吃過豬肉和牛肉腎臟-所謂的“ izz”在質地和味道上都更接近腎臟。

該問答將自動從英語翻譯而來。原始內容可在stackexchange上找到,我們感謝它分發的cc by-sa 3.0許可。